Health Insurance Configuration

About student health insurance

Your institution may require students to carry health insurance. If students don’t have their own insurance, you may provide it and bill students for the policy. You can tell Campus Cafe to bill health insurance or waive the requirement for certain students. Information about individual students is stored in session data.

You can copy information about a student’s need for health insurance from semester to semester if it remains the same saving you from re-entering the same information each semester.


Required permissions







System Admin


Configure health insurance

Student Financials


Create health insurance billing rule



Copy student health insurance from semester to semester

Configure health insurance

You can tell Campus Cafe how to decide which students to consider for health insurance.

Before using an insurance rule, you need to tell Campus Cafe which transaction codes are associated with insurance charges and tell Campus Cafe which students to bill.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BI050B.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter Y to turn on insurance billing.

  5. In Parameter Value 2 enter the transaction code associated with health insurance for domestic students.

  6. In Parameter Value 3 enter the transaction code associated with health insurance for international students.

  7. In Parameter Value 4 enter the health insurance code that indicates a student is waived from your health insurance requirement. This code appears on the student’s session data for each semester.

  8. In Parameter Value 6 enter Y if you allow students to request health insurance by semester.

  9. In Parameter Value 7 enter the health insurance code that indicates a student is requesting health insurance. This code appears on the student’s session data for each semester.

  10. In Parameter Value 8 enter Y if students can request health insurance with no enrollment.

  11. Click Save.

Parameters 5 and 9 are not in use.

Create billing rule

Once you’ve told Campus Cafe how to handle insurance, you need to establish a billing rule with the amount of the charge so it can assess the charges by semester.

You can create different rules for domestic vs international students.

  1. Go to Financials > Billing Rules.

  2. Click New Billing Charge.

  3. In Charge Group enter a name for the billing rule. For example, Health Ins.

  4. In Charge Semester select the term the charge will be assessed. For example, Spring 2024.

  5. In Billing Code select the transaction code associate with the health insurance charge.

  6. In Amount enter the cost the students should be billed.

  7. In Process Type select Health Insurance.

  8. In Frequency select Annually. This means if a student has been billed using the insurance billing code in any semester containing the first four digits, they will not be billed again. For example, if a student was billed insurance using the transaction code STUHEALTHINS in semester 202410, and a rule exists in semester 202420 for insurance with the same transaction code, the student will not be billed again for insurance.

  9. Click Save.

Example billing rule

This rule charges students $500 for health insurance once per year because the frequency is set to annual. A year means all semesters that have the same first four digits in their semester code. So in this example, a student would be billed only once for semesters starting with 2024.

The charge is associate with transaction (billing) code STUHEALTHINS.


Copy student insurance information from semester to semester

Your students may keep the same health insurance policy from semester to semester. As such, you want that information to carry from semester to semester.

When Campus Cafe automatically creates student session for a student, it doesn’t copy health insurance information from the previous semester because it doesn’t know if it’s changed.

You can copy this information, specifically the health insurance waiver code, using session copy.

The student must have at least one enrollment in the source semester to have his or her session data created in the target term.

  1. Go to Admin > Session Data Copy.

  2. Under Copy session data from the source semester to create new session data records in target semester select Include Health Insurance and any other data elements to copy.

  3. In Source Semester select the semester in which to copy session data from.

  4. In Target Semester select the semester in which to copy session data to.

    Here we are copying health insurance waiver information from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024.
  5. Click Submit.