Bill Group of Students from Student Finder

About Billing a Group of Students from the Student Finder

You can add an ad hoc charge to a group of students returned in the Student Finder. This is helpful when you wish to assess students for something outside your normal billing rules. For example, you may wish to assess graduating seniors a Commencement charge. 


  • Create transaction codes related to the charge. For example, a transaction code associated with a charge for participating in Commencement.

Required permissions







Student Financials


Assess a fee using the Student Finder

Add charge

  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. Use Filters to return the students to charge. For example, you could use the Degree Expected Grad Semester filter to find all students expected to graduate in the upcoming semester and participate in Commencement.

  3. Next to the students to charge, select the Selected checkbox. If you don’t see this box, Column Visibility > Selected.

  4. Click + Add Fees > For All. A new screen appears.

  5. In Billing Semester select the term to apply the charge.

  6. In Transaction Code select the code associated with the charge. For example, a code to indicate the charge is for participating in Commencement.

  7. Optionally in Charge Frequency select how Campus Cafe will handle multiple charges for the same student.

    • Blank (semester): the charge is assessed for the semester.

    • Annual: the charge is assessed once per year; a year is defined by the first four digits of the semester code, all semesters with the same four digits are treated as one year. For example, if you have an orientation fee an annual frequency and the student was billed in semester 201201, and the charge existed in your semester 201202 billing rules, the student wouldn’t be charged again.

    • Once Per Lifetime: the charge is assessed once during the student's career; once a student has been billed an amount using the associated transaction code, the student won’t be charged in any subsequent semesters.

  8. In Billing Amount enter the monetary charge. Don’t enter a dollar sign or comma.

    In this example we’ll charge 17 students a $75 Commencement fee. We’ve selected a Charge Frequency of Once Per Lifetime because if the students don’t graduate as expected and participate instead in a future Commencement, we don’t want them charged again.

  9. Click Submit.

  10. The charges will be placed in your bill batch for posting.