Main Menu Permissions
- 1 About main menu permissions
- 2 Specific permissions
- 2.1 All users
- 2.2 Admin users
- 2.3 Admissions
- 2.4 Student
- 2.5 Faculty/Staff
- 2.6 Registrar
- 2.7 Parent
- 2.8 Advancement
- 2.9 Accounting
- 2.10 Student financials
- 2.11 Placement
- 2.12 My info
- 2.13 Person selected
About main menu permissions
You can use the main menu to access Campus Cafe functions. Access to menu items is controlled by permissions. Below are main menu items and the permissions that control them.
Specific permissions
All users
Menu Item | Function | Permission Module | Permission # |
Activity Tracking | A general Activity Tracking Search page for viewing multiple students or activities based on the defined search criteria | 355: Global | 1238 |
Change Password | 355: Global | 235 | |
Course Listing | Public course catalog | 355: Global | 251 |
Exam Listing | Leads to Exam Schedule page | 355: Global | 608 |
Faculty/Staff Search | Allows users and students to search for faculty by name. Shows a faculty's schedule, office hours, and exam schedule. | 355: Global | 210 |
Parking Registration | Deprecated | 355: Global | 252 |
Mailbox Maintenance | Deprecated | 355: Global | 607 |
Workflow Definitions | Adds link to Workflow Definitions Page | 355: Global | 928 |
Queue Results | Adds link to Queue Results page | 355: Global | 1080 |
Activity Tracking Templates | Adds link to Activity Tracking Templates page | 355: Global | 1238 |
Travel Arrangements | Depreciated | 355: Global | 961 |
Add Non-Student/Org | Add a new individual who is not a student (e.g. faculty, staff) or organization (e.g. employer) to Campus Cafe | 355: Global | 1128 or |
Background Jobs | Not in use | 355: Global | 1183 |
Admin users
Menu Item | Function | Permission Module | Permission # |
All People Finder | Search for people across all modules | 92: System Admin | 935 |
Quick All People Launcher | Search for a specific person across all modules | 92: System Admin | 1186 |
Parent Finder | 92: System Admin | 936 | |
Quick Parent Launcher | 92: System Admin | 1191 | |
User Search | Search Campus Cafe for all individuals who have a Campus Cafe username or all users in a specific permission group | 92: System Admin | 213 |
Refresh Data Cache | Reload the Campus Cafe cache - Must be run after making changes to Custom Controls or STParm settings | 92: System Admin | 495 |
Color Customization | 92: System Admin | 1232 | |
Appearance and Student Photos | Upload images, set custom CSS and upload email headers and footer images | 92: System Admin | 1232 |
User PC Options | Depreciated | 92: System Admin | 402 |
Job Management | Page shows the next scheduled system jobs such as user creation, admissions, tracking, and LMS sync, and allows those jobs to be manually run | 92: System Admin | 759 |
Batch Salutation Update | Creates greetings for individuals. Designed for use upon initial import of data | 92: System Admin | 864 |
Cost Center Perms | Configure access to cost centers used for accounting functions | 92: System Admin | 814 |
Tracking Perms | Configure access to activity tracking members | 92: System Admin | 891 |
Fac Payroll Adjustment | Page allows manual adjustment to a faculty's payroll | 92: System Admin | 900 |
Fac Payroll Control | Settings page for the faculty payroll feature and the number of faculty payroll periods in a semester. | 92: System Admin | 899 |
Login Page Config | Depreciated | 92: System Admin | 915 |
Mail Merge Data | Page shows Conditional Mail Merge Output settings | 92: System Admin | 1096 |
Saved Templates Maintenance | Add, edit and delete saved templates for use in workflows/activities using an in Web HTML Preview editor | 92: System Admin | 1175 |
Custom Control | Configure global settings for Campus Cafe functions | 92: System Admin | 293 |
Adjustable Text | Configure customizable text on select pages | 92: System Admin | 465 |
Custom Web Link Maintenance | Configure custom links from the main menu | 92: System Admin | 501 |
Web App | Configure settings that mostly relate to connecting Campus Café to other systems | 92: System Admin | 435 |
App Log Config | Not in use | 92: System Admin | 436 |
STParm | Configure drop-down menu options | 92: System Admin | 113 |
Permissions | Configure permission groups | 92: System Admin | 127 |
Mass Assign Perm Group | Change the permission group for existing users using a spreadsheet | 92: System Admin | 1258 |
Triggerable Field Maintenance | Enable or Disable Fields from being used for Database Triggers | 92: System Admin | 1181 |
Database Triggers Maintenance | Add, edit or delete database triggers, which launch an activity when a defined action occurs | 92: System Admin | 1182 |
Majors | Configure academic programs (majors) | 131: Miscellaneous | 97 |
Session Data Copy | Copy student session data from one term to another | 131: Miscellaneous | 336 |
Semester Date | Add, edit and delete semesters (terms) | 131: Miscellaneous | 115 |
Score Headers | Add, edit and delete tests for which the institution records scores | 131: Miscellaneous | 684 |
Stu. Control | Define the starting Campus Cafe ID number and institution address | 131: Miscellaneous | 203 |
Merge Person/Org | 92: System Admin | 127 |
Menu Item | function | permission module | permission # |
Inquiry/Applicant Finder | Search all applicants and inquiries | 69: Admissions | 937 |
Quick Inq/App Launcher | Search for a specific applicant | 69: Admissions | 1187 |
Admissions Portal | Access to inquiry forms and admission applications | 69: Admissions | 497 |
Holding Table | Review holding table records submitted through an inquiry or application for individuals who may already exist in Campus Café | 69: Admissions | 498 |
Saved Admissions Forms | Review saved applications started, but not submitted | 69: Admissions | 1155 |
Applicant Status | Review the application status of the currently logged in user | 69: Admissions | 499 |
Adm Portal Config | Add, edit and delete inquiry and admissions forms | 69: Admissions | 677 |
Adm Portal Template Requests | Create a custom question for an inquiry form or admissions application | 355: Global | 441 |
Counselor Assignment Maintenance | Configure automated assignment of an admissions counselor upon application submission | 69: Admissions | 477 |
Financial Aid | Adds Financial Aid listing to My Info and Admissions Both (linked together) (link currently deprecated) | 494: My Info | 1053 |
Travel Groups | 69: Admissions | 964 | |
Schools | Add, edit or delete a list of schools used for applications and transfer credit | 69: Admissions | 966 |
Common App Upload | Simple upload for the Common Application data files | 69: Admissions | 981 |
Lead and Scores Upload From Spreadsheet | Load a list of prospects or test scores into Campus Cafe | 69: Admissions | 745 |
Lead and Scores Upload Mappings | Configure the layout of the file containing prospects or test scores to load into Campus Cafe | 69: Admissions | 1254 |
Round Robin Counselor Maintenance | Configure automated assignment of an admissions counselor upon application submission | 69: Admissions | 1235 |
Menu Item | function | permission module | permission # |
Student Finder | 493: Student | 938 | |
Quick Student Launcher | Search for a specific student using ID and/or first name and/or last name | 493: Student | 1188 |
Menu Item | function | permission module | permission # |
Faculty/Staff Finder | Search for a group of faculty or staff | 72: Faculty | 939 |
Quick Fac/Staff Launcher | Search for a specific faculty or staff member using ID and/or first name and/or last name | 72: Faculty | 1189 |
Class Schedule/Grades | View the teaching class schedule of the current record | 72: Faculty | 401 |
Exam Schedule | Shows the logged-in faculty user their exam schedule if there is one set up | 72: Faculty | 492 |
Course Rosters | View a list of courses and their enrolled and wait listed students | 72: Faculty | 445 |
Edit Faculty/Staff Record | Edit the faculty/staff office location and hours record of the current user | 72: Faculty | 267 |
Base/SSRS Reports | Access base reports |
Menu Item | function | permission module | permission # |
Registration Control | 70: Registration | 226 | |
Grade Control | 70: Registration | 351 | |
Time Conflict Override | Allows two courses to be exempt from Time Conflict checking during course registration | 70: Registration | 476 |
Quality Point Maintenance | Configure the grading scheme | 70: Registration | 95 |
Syllabus Codes | Depreciated | 70: Registration | 1113 |
Code Array Restrictions (Student Holds) | Student Hold Codes Maintenance | 493: Student | 412 |
Multiple Department Maintenance | Configure which departments a department chair may access | 70: Registration | 448 |
Major Restriction Maintenance | 70: Registration | 288 | |
Semester Status Code Maintenance | Add, edit or inactive semester status history codes (e.g. Dean's List) | 70: Registration | 270 |
Transcript Footnote Maintenance | Add or edit notes that may appear at the bottom of a student transcript | 70: Registration | 342 |
Degree Audit Maintenance | Configure the graduation (degree) audit that tracks student progress toward a credential | 70: Registration | 289 |
Clearinghouse | Initiate the process to prepare the National Student Clearinghouse enrollment report | 355: Global | 382 |
Attendance Date Exceptions | 70: Registration | 990 | |
Course Dates Creation | Initiate the course date creation process that creates the visual student calendar and attendance records | 732: Attendance | 950 |
Timeclock File Import | Time Clock tracking upload for certain institutions | 70: Registration | 1166 |
User Address File Import | Mass import address page based on student ID Number | 69: Admissions | 1170 |
Batch Enrollment and Final Grade Update From Spreadsheet | Use a spreadsheet to register a group of students or import final grades for courses | 70: Registration | 994 |
Multiple Student Course Drop | Remove all students from cancelled courses or use a spreadsheet to drop a group of students from courses | 70: Registration | 680 |
Final Grade Import | Final Grade Synchronization page between Cafe Web and the connected LMS system | 70: Registration | 1169 |
Student Participation Import | Student participation import page for the connected LMS system | 70: Registration | 1193 |
Relationship Reciprocals | User account relationship setup page | 355: Global | 1115 |
Course Finder | Search, add, edit or delete courses | 70: Registration | 93 |
Classroom Maintenance | Add, edit or delete classrooms | 70: Registration | 292 |
Exam Info Maintenance | Scheduled Exam listing code setup | 70: Registration | 321 |
Gradebook Maintenance | Gradebook Assignments Setup page | 70: Registration | 2008 |
Dorm Listing | Search, add, edit or delete residence halls | 77: Housing | 158 |
Dorm Room Listing | Search, add, edit or delete residence hall rooms | 77: Housing | 159 |
Reg. Control | Select the default registration semester and configure days and times that appear on the visual student class schedule | 70: Registration | 399 |
LMS Management | Manually initiate an exchange of data between Campus Cafe and select third-party learning management systems | 70: Registration | 399 & 1236 |
menu item | function | permission module | permission # |
Children List | When logged into a parent's account this page shows a list of a parent's linked enrolled children | 710: Parent | 711 |
menu item | function | permission module | permission # |
Constituent Finder | 71:Advancement/Development | 940 | |
Quick Constituent Launcher | Search for a specific constituent using ID and/or first name and/or last name | 71:Advancement/Development | 1190 |
Org Finder | Shows constituent organization finder page | 71:Advancement/Development | 1073 |
Gift Finder | Shows Gift Finder search for institutional gifts and additional communication functions can be performed | 71:Advancement/Development | 958 |
Gift Cash Batch | Gift Cash batch is used to post recorded Consituent Gifts to a user's profile Constituent tab; this page has similar posting functionality to the normal Cash Batch page | 71:Advancement/Development | 1163 |
Make a Donation | Shows the donation portal page where a user can make a donation. | 71:Advancement/Development | 1110 |
IA Gift Report | Depreciated | 71:Advancement/Development | 960 |
Donation Lookup | Search page used to associate an incoming donation to a user's account | 71:Advancement/Development | 1111 |
Advancement Control | Advancement Control settings for invoice #, search start dates, and reminder day periods | 71:Advancement/Development | 209 |
Batch Constituent Upload | Load a group of constituents such as donors using a spreadsheet | 71:Advancement/Development | 1122 |
Gift Purpose | Page to add/editing giving purpose categories | 71:Advancement/Development | 1100 |
Constituent Funds | Page for add/editing Fund Codes that connects to the general ledger | 71:Advancement/Development | 100 |
menu item | function | permission module | permission # |
Purchase Orders | Page for Creating/Managing Purchase Orders | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 794 |
PO Departments | Page for Creating/Managing Purchase Order Departments | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 795 |
PO User-Depts | Page for giving permissions for Users to create Purchase Orders and assigning a department | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 796 |
PO Ship Tos | Page to set up quick code P/O Shipping address | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 838 |
PO Budgets | Create P/O budget listing for a given fiscal year | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 809 |
Budget Transfers | This function is depreciated. Transfers Remaining Budget from one fiscal year to another | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 858 |
GL Lookup | Display general ledger totals and individual transactions for a given fiscal year and/or dates | 808: Purchasing Requisition Module | 812 |
GL Funds | 74: General Ledger | 421 | |
GL Account Maintenance | Create/Edit GL Accounts | 74: General Ledger | 102 |
Balance Sheet/P&L Captions | Configure line titles on accounting reports | 74: General Ledger | 343 |
Cost Center Maintenance | Search, add, edit cost centers and cost center groups used for accounting functions | 74: General Ledger | 418 |
GL Control | G/L control provides the ability to limit batch posting dates, and also controls starting line numbers for G/L entries | 74: General Ledger | 374 |
GL Budget | Budgets allow you to set a targeted amount to spend per general ledger account | 74: General Ledger | 349 |
Project Headers | Create Project Expense Tracking Code (PET#) for tracking the expenses of defined projects | 74: General Ledger | 642 |
Project Details | Create PET# Sub Projects and amounts | 74: General Ledger | 646 |
A/P Entry | Create vouchers to pay vendors | 75: Accounts Payable | 111 |
A/P Check Register | Generate checks to pay vouchers | 75: Accounts Payable | 314 |
Outstanding Checks | Accounts Payable Check Maintenance | 75: Accounts Payable | 376 |
Student financials
menu item | function | permission module | permission # |
1098T Select | Initiate the process to produce a 1098T report that can be reviewed in the Administrative Base Reports section. | 73: Student Financials | 387 |
Bill Batch | Post financial transactions to student ledgers | 73: Student Financials | 51 |
Cash Batch | Post payments to student ledgers; or donations to constituent accounts | 73: Student Financials | 52 |
Group Billing | The process to apply billing rules to a group of students to create billing charges | 73: Student Financials | 1135 |
Bill Upload from Spreadsheet | Upload a list of charges using a spreadsheet | 73: Student Financials | 995 |
One-time Billing | Upload a spreadsheet of one-time charges for students | 73: Student Financials | 1135 |
F/A Disbursement Roster | Review, originate, and disburse financial aid awards as well as pull excel reports of aid | 493: Student | 984 |
F/A Packaging | Allows import of ISIRs and auto packaging of students | 73: Student Financials | 1142 |
F/A Other Packaging Rules | Configure packaging rules for non-Title IV aid | 493: Student | 984 |
F/A Funds Import | 3rd party financial aid processor import function (e.g. ECM) | 73: Student Financials | 1161 |
F/A COD Documents | Export and Importing and Review of COD origination and disbursement documents | 73: Student Financials | 1195 |
F/A Control | Controls what can be viewed and processed by the financial aid module and processes | 73: Student Financials | 1162 |
F/A Cost of Attendance | Create/Edit Cost of Attendance Templates | 73: Student Financials | 1144 |
F/A Disbursement Term Rules | Create/Edit scheduled award disbursements for a year | 73: Student Financials | 1144 |
F/A Code Maintenance | Create/Edit Award Codes used in applied aid to students | 73: Student Financials | 107 |
F/A Periods | Creation of Financial Aid Period Codes for PowerFAIDS integration | 73: Student Financials | 108 |
F/A Links | Creation of Financial Aid Fund/Award code links for PowerFAIDS integration | 73: Student Financials | 109 |
Payment Plan Rules | Create/Edit Payment Plans that can be assigned to a student | 73: Student Financials | 1144 |
Cash Upload From Spreadsheet | Upload a batch student payments using a spreadsheet. The payments will be transferred to cash batch for posting to student ledgers. | 73: Student Financials | 995 |
Billing Rules | Controls how students or groups are billed | 73: Student Financials | 105 |
Transaction Codes | Create/Edit Transaction Codes that categorize Charges and Payments | 73: Student Financials | 106 |
Billing Control | Set up default billing address | 73: Student Financials | 416 |
AR Control | High level set up for billing functions for what is viewed on statements, online payment, and other billing and accounts receivable pages | 73: Student Financials | 422 |
AR Aging Processor | Aging periodic process that categorizes the institution's accounts receivable by the length of time student invoices have been outstanding | 73: Student Financials | 388 |
menu item | function | permission module | permission # |
Manage Questions | Question setup for placement evaluations | 776: Placement | 804 |
Manage Forms | Create placement evaluations forms | 776: Placement | 805 |
Manage Sites | Create and Manage evaluations testing sites | 776: Placement | 777 |
Site Search | Search for an evaluation site | 776: Placement | 806 |
Copy Sites | Copy evaluation sites and setup from one semester to another | 776: Placement | 914 |
My info
menu item | function | permission module | permission # |
Contact Info | Shows your accounts profile information page | 494: My Info | 1050 |
Register For Classes | Allows for self-service registration | 494: My Info | 216 |
Class Schedule | Shows a user their current class schedule | 494: My Info | 221 |
Exam Schedule | Shows a user their mid-term/final exam schedule | 494: My Info | 451 |
Attendance History | Shows a user their attendance records | 732: Attendance | 767 |
Clock Hour History | Shows a user their clock hour completion/attendance records | 732: Attendance | 1134 |
Transcript/Grades | Shows a user a copy of their transcript | 494: My Info | 408 |
GPA History | Shows a user their GPA calculation history for each semester | 494: My Info | 218 |
Degree Audit | Shows a user their Degree Audit for their program | 494: My Info | 219 |
Enrollment History | Shows a user their enrollment of courses and enroll/withdraw dates and other course-by-course information | 494: My Info | 217 |
Display Gradeable Units | Shows a user their gradebook assignment grades | 494: My Info | 1078 |
Degrees/Majors | Shows a user their current program/major and relevant info | 494: My Info | 220 |
Address/Phones | Allows a user to view/update their contact information | 494: My Info | 941 |
Email Address | Allows a user to view/update their email addresses | 494: My Info | 943 |
Billing Statement | Allows a user to view their billing statement | 494: My Info | 222 |
Payments | Allows a user to use the Self-Service Payment page | 494: My Info | 237 |
Hold Codes | Shows a user any current holds on their account | 494: My Info | 1052 |
Document Portal | Shows a user their Activity Tracking Documents after acceptance | 494: My Info | 1198 |
FinAid Status | Allows user to view their Financial Aid Status Page with COA, documents and award letter | 494: My Info | 1126 |
Mid-Term Grd Report PDF | Shows a user their Mid-Term Grade report | 494: My Info | 1048 |
Final Grd Report PDF | Shows a user their Final Grade Report | 494: My Info | 1048 |
View Evaluation | Shows a user their placement evaluation | 776: Placement | 911 |
Field Placement Contract | Shows a user their placement contract upon a completed evaluation | 776: Placement | 792 |
A&P Info |
| 776: Placement | 789 |
Financial Aid | Adds Financial Aid status to My Info and Admissions (linked together) (link currently deprecated) | 494: My Info | 1053 |
Online Registration | Deprecated | 494: My Info | 1049 |
Work Jobs | Shows a user their current work/attendance/school infractions and any fees associated to those infractions | 494: My Info | 731 |
Web Services | Depreciated | 494: My Info | 1074 |
Person selected
menu item | function | permissions module | permission # |
Contact Information | Shows profile information page of selected person | 355: Global or | 358 or |
Activity Tracking | Adds link to Activity Tracking List Access | 355: Global | 890 |
Document Portal | 493: Student | 1199 | |
Inquiry | Shows current active inquiry detail for selected person | 69: Admissions | 10 |
Inq History | Shows a historical listing of all inquiries for selected person | 69: Admissions | 3 |
Applicant | Shows current active application detail for selected person | 69: Admissions | 3 |
Applicant Status | Review the application status for selected person | 69: Admissions | 3 |
Adm. History | Shows previously submitted applications for selected person | 355: Global | 885 |
Scores | Allows entering of Testing/Evaluation Grades (ACT, SAT, etc.) | 355: Global | 775 |
Register For Classes | Allows for student course registration for selected person | 493: Student | 228 |
Class Schedule | View class schedule for selected person | 493: Student or | 233 or |
Exam Schedule | Shows currently assigned exam room schedule for selected person | 493: Student | 452 |
Attendance History | Shows recorded attendance and notes for the current and previous semester. | 732: Attendance | 766 |
Clock Hour History | Shows a user their clock hour completion/attendance records | 732: Attendance | 1133 |
Advising History | Shows advising history with approvals and comments | 493: Student | 1153 |
Transcript/Grades | Print a transcript for the selected person | 493: Student or | 503 or |
GPA History | Shows GPA calculation history for each semester for the selected person | 493: Student or | 230 |
Enrollment History | Shows enrolled, dropped, withdrawn courses and grades for the selected person | 493: Student | 229 |
Display Gradeable Units |
| 493: Student | 1079 |
Degree Audit | Allows printing of a degree audit evaluation and "what if" evaluations for selected person | 493: Student or | 231 |
Student Codes | Displays a summary of admissions/matriculation information for selected person | 493: Student | 931 |
Status History | Allows for creation/editing of academic status history (e.g. honors, probation, re-admit) for selected person | 355: Global | 296 |
Session Data | Stored student session data per semester which is used for billing rules | 355: Global | 304 |
Degrees/Majors | Shows current program/major and relevant info for selected person | 355: Global or | 232 or |
Bios | 355: Global | 983 | |
Salutation | 355: Global | 397 | |
Relations | Create/Edit relationships, emergency, and constituent contacts for selected person | 355: Global | 963 |
Address/Phones | Adds Link to Address and Phone listing for selected person | 355: Global | 942 |
Email Address | Adds link to Email listing for selected person. | 355: Global | 916 |
Audit Log | Shows key changes to an individual's record | 355: Global | 2007 |
Billing Statement | 355: Global or | 375 or | |
Payments | Allows an administrator to use the student self-service payment page | 493: Student or | 496 or |
A/R-Ledger Card | 493: Student or | 496 or | |
F/A | View students Financial Aid award transactions | 73: Student Financials | 48 |
F/A Packaging | 73: Student Financials | 1142 | |
FinAid Status | Allows viewing of Financial Aid Status Page with COA, documents and award letter for selected person | 493: Student | 2013 |
Hold Codes | Create/Edit account holds for selected person | 493: Student or | 475 or |
Midterm Grd Report | Shows Midterm Grades for selected person with comment editing | 493: Student | 901 |
Final Grd Report | 493: Student | 901 | |
Midterm Grd Report PDF | Shows Printable Mid-Term Grade report for selected person | 493: Student or | 648 or |
Final Grd Report PDF | 493: Student or | 648 or | |
Constituent | Shows constituent information setup page for selected person | 71: Advancement/Development | 1068 |
Gifts | Create/Edit gifts given by selected person | 71: Advancement/Development | 958 |
Faculty Info | Adds a link to edit faculty codes and info page | 72: Faculty | 63 |
Web Services | Depreciated | 493: Student | 1075 |