Academics: Find Seat Availability by Course
Find the classes you offer in a specific academic period and how many seats are available.
You may need to ensure you have enough seats for all your students, cancel under-enrolled classes, or adjust class locations based on space availability.
Where are you in the registration period? Are all courses created in Campus Cafe? Have students started registering themselves?
Do you need to view seat availability by site, whether physical or programmatic?
Campus Cafe shows both courses and course exceptions, which are additional times courses meet outside of their normal schedule. Ensure you exclude or note exceptions so you don’t count their seats in your overall seat counts.
Course filter
Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow courses returned.
Go to Filters > Courses.
In Course Semester select the academic period when the classes are scheduled.
In Exception select only blank.
Click Submit.
Click Column Visibility.
Ensure that Cancelled, Max Seats, Seats Used and Seats Left are selected.
Review the results to see seat availability (ensure you consider whether the section was cancelled) or click Excel to download the results to a spreadsheet in which you can use formulas, filters or pivot tables to find overall seats used and available.
Add criteria
You can further narrow your results by using additional filters. Consider using these fields if you need to further constrain your results.
Sub Semester to narrow the results to only those classes offered in a smaller module within the academic semester you selected.
Site to narrow the results to only those classes at a specific site. Your sites may be physical such as different campuses or program-based such as a day program and a night program.
Build results
You can show additional information alongside the results by selecting Column Visibility, searching for the field name and selecting it.
Exception shows if this is an additional meeting time the class meets.
Cancelled shows if the class was removed from the schedule.