Academics: Find Parents or Relatives of Students
Find the relatives of students, such as their parents.
You want to communicate with relatives of students, solicit them for donations or want to contact relatives of students who’ve graduated.
This solution uses the Student Finder. Parents also appear in the Parent Finder, however, using the Student Finder allows you to limit the relatives shown to only active or graduated students.
Start with a pre-built filter
Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow students returned.
If you don’t see this filter your institution may have renamed or modified it. You can build it from the example below or open a Campus Cafe support ticket and request it.
Go to Filters > Students.
In All Users select ZCC Students with Relatives.
Click Filters.
By default the filter shows students with a degree status of blank, active or enrolled. This typically represents students who are admitted/deposited but not yet registered for classes (blank), those previously registered but not yet registered for a future semester or awaiting degree conferral (active) or those registered for classes now or in the future (enrolled). To adjust the degree statuses, next to Degree Status click the three horizontal lines, select the statuses and click Apply. For example, you may wish to also include students on leave. Alternatively, you may wish to select only Completed and Degree Conferred to find relatives of your graduates.
Next to Relationship Type click the three horizontal lines, select one or may ways the person is related to the student and click Apply. In the example below we select Parent. Your options will depend on how you’ve configured Campus Cafe.
Click Submit. Your results appear, but you’ll need to include the name(s) of the relatives in your results.
Above the results click Column Visibility, in the search box type Relationship Person then click Relationship Person.
Now in the search box, type Relationship. You’ll likely wan to select the additional columns Relationship Type (to show how the person is related to the student), Relationship Email, Relationship Phone and Relationship Mobile Phone.
Add criteria
You can further narrow your results by selecting Add Fields, searching for the field name and selecting it. For example, you may need the below criteria.
Site Code to narrow the results to only students at a specific site. Your sites may be physical such as different campuses or program-based such as a day program and a night program.
Birth date to narrow the results to only students born before a specific date. For example, if you wanted to find parents of students currently under the age of 18.
Build results
You can show additional information alongside the results by selecting Column Visibility, searching for the field name and selecting it. For example:
Degree Major shows the student’s first major.
First Gen Code shows if the student is a first-generation college student. Your institution determines which students are first generation.
Relationship Emergency Priority shows a number. A one indicates the person is the student’s first emergency contact. A two, the second contact, a three the third, etc. A zero means the relative isn’t an emergency contact.