Academics: Find Students with Holds

Academics: Find Students with Holds

Find all students with holds, which may be informational or block class registration or transcripts.

You want to communicate with students with holds, report on the number of students with holds or predict who may not enroll due to holds. Or you want to remove the holds from some or all students with a specific hold.


  • Your holds are unique to what your institution has configured.

  • Your holds may be informative or prevent an action like class registration or obtaining a transcript.

  • Because some holds may prevent registering for class you may need to include students who are not enrolled to find everyone with holds.

Start with a pre-built filter

Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow students returned.

If you don’t see this filter your institution may have renamed or modified it. You can build it from the example below or open a Campus Cafe support ticket and request it.

  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. In All Users select ZCC Students with Holds.


  3. Click Filters.


  4. By default the filter shows students with a degree status of blank, active or enrolled. This typically represents students who are admitted/deposited but not yet registered for classes (blank), those previously registered but not yet registered for a future semester or awaiting degree conferral (active) or those registered for classes now or in the future (enrolled). Keep in mind that because some holds may prevent registration, you will likely want to include non-enrolled students in your results. To adjust the degree statuses, next to Degree Status click the three horizontal lines, select the statuses and click Apply. For example, you may wish to include students on leave.

  5. Select one hold category from the five listed: Academic Holds, Financial Holds,; Health Holds, Housing Holds or Student Codes, click the three horizontal lines, select one hold and click Apply. In the example below we select the Financial Aid hold. Your options will depend on how you’ve set up Campus Cafe.

  6. In all the other hold categories, remove the “Hold Code” text so the boxes are empty.



  7. Click Submit.

Add criteria

You can further narrow your results by selecting Add Fields, searching for the field name and selecting it.

  • Site Code to narrow the results to only students at a specific site. Your sites may be physical such as different campuses or program-based such as a day program and a night program.

Build results

You can show additional information alongside the results by selecting Column Visibility, searching for the field name and selecting it.


  • Academic Holds, Financial Holds, Health Holds, Housing Holds and Student Codes to show student holds

  • Email

  • Enrolled in Sems (Credits) to show which semesters the student has enrollment

  • Home Phone and Mobile Phone

Actions to consider

You can take action with the results.

  • Click Email to send a message to the students.

  • Click Text to send a text message to the students. (Requires Message Media).

  • Click +Add Activity to add a Campus Cafe activity that triggers a workflow or communication.

  • Click +Add Fees to add a fee to the students. For example, perhaps all students with a library hold are assessed an extra $25.

  • Click +Holds to add or remove a hold for these students. For example, perhaps your library has informed you all students with outstanding items have returned the items and all holds can be removed.